Ozone infusion therapy superadmin 23. June 2024

Ozone infusion therapy

Ozone infusion therapy, also known as ozone therapy, is an alternative medical procedure characterized by the administration of a saline solution enriched with oxygen and ozone. The ozone plays a crucial role by binding free radicals, providing antibacterial properties, and improving oxygen delivery to the tissue.

Applications of ozone infusions include:

  • Acute and chronic infections: Supports the fight against infections with its antibacterial properties.
  • Gastrointestinal diseases: Can alleviate inflammatory processes in the intestines and promote gut health.
  • Skin diseases: Useful in treating skin problems caused by bacteria or exacerbated by poor circulation.
  • As an energy booster for the body: Revitalizes the body and enhances overall performance.
  • Metabolic disorders: Can help regulate metabolism and improve the efficiency of the body’s energy use.
  • Circulatory disorders: Promotes blood circulation, potentially improving conditions like peripheral arterial disease.

The efficacy and safety of ozone therapy remain subjects of scientific research. It is essential that treatment is conducted under expert medical supervision. Due to its holistic approach and the wide range of applications, ozone infusion presents an interesting option within alternative medicine.


Orthopedics, orthopedic surgery and rheumatic orthopedics

Sports Medicine

When doing sports takes an important place in life


Competent wound management is essential for the healing process


Short infusion to boost the immune system


Short infusion improves the oxygen delivery to the tissue


Treatments for sports injuries, arthrosis and for prevention

Autologous blood

For arthrosis, epicondylitis, heel spurs, injuries to ligaments, muscles and tendons

Office Times

Monday7:00 – 11:00
14:00 – 19:00
Tuesday10:00 – 14:00
Wednesday8:00 – 12:00
13:00 – 17:00
Thursday8:00 – 12:00
Friday8:00 – 12:00